
  • University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)

    UNIMAS is the only university in Sarawak State, Malaysia; it has achieved great results especially in empirical research of the equatorial regions in the fields of tropical ecology and cultural anthropology/ethnology.

  • Bogor Agricultural University

    Bogor Agricultural University is a leading university in natural sciences in Indonesia and it has conducted academic exchanges with the Center of Southeast Asian Studies for more than 20 years.

  • Delhi University, Delhi School of Economics (DSE)

    The DSE was established as one of the best social science research centers in 1949 soon after India became independent. In economics, sociology and geology, it is one of the top institutions in India and its research and education is also at a world leading level.

  • Ankara University, Faculty of Divinity

    The faculty of Divinity at Ankara University, which was established in 1949, is the first faculty of divinity in Turkey and has a long history. They have courses covering basic Islam, philosophy/religious studies, Islamic history, and world religions with about 70 teaching staff belonging to the faculty.

  • Ethiopia: Addis Ababa University, College of Social Science and Institute of Ethiopian Studies

    Addis Ababa University is a prominent university and is the oldest state university in Ethiopia. It has maintained a close relationship with Kyoto University through fieldwork in anthropology, primatology and area studies since 1960s and it is in preparation to conclude a new agreement with Kyoto University during this year. With the Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Kyoto University previously signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) when the faculty was called the Center for African Studies, and various presidents from this institution have visited and stayed in Kyoto University to promote research exchange in the past.

  • University of Yaounde I, Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences

    The Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences in the University of Yaounde I serves as the center of human and social science studies in Cameron. They have been conducting cooperative research with researchers from Kyoto University for the last 20 years and as such, a MOU was signed with the Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University in 2003.

  • Cornell University, Southeast Asian Program

    Following World War II, Cornell University has been a leader of Southeast Asian studies and is one of the best universities in the world in terms of the quality of their teaching members.

  • London School of Economics (LSE)

    LSE is one of the world’s leading educational institutes with top-level research and education in a full range of social science subjects such as economics, international relations, sociology, anthropology, and history. The annexed British Library of Political and Economic Science is the biggest social science specialized library in the world with over 4 million books. The library’s collection houses a variety of statistic papers published by international organizations and world governments. Moreover, in London, a range of historical documents from the colonial era can be found in British Museum Library, representing a valuable resource for Asian and African area studies.

  • Leiden University, African Studies Center (ASC)

    The ASC functions as a center for African studies in the Netherlands with prominent African studies’ researchers serving as its teaching members.

  • The U.K: Markfield Institute of Higher Education Islamic Foundation
    Since its inception in 1973, the Markfield Institute of Higher Education Islamic Foundation has been supporting mutual understanding between the Islamic Community and the rest of society through field research, education and publishing. This institute was established in 2000 as one part of Markfield Institute of Higher Education and it enabled the integration of the most-advanced methods of education and research in the U.K and academic knowledge of Islam. As such, the importance of this institute has been increasing as a center of education and research transmission.
  • Pakistan: Library of Jamaat-e-Islami
    The library attached to the headquarters of the Jamaat-e-Islami party in Lahore, Pakistan offers various materials related to Islamic doctrine which should not be ignored in a global community and also stores a substantial number of books which can be referred to and relate to the societal reforms to address the problems faced in maintaining the sustainable humanosphere.
    Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan
  • India: Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)
    JNU is a graduate institute and with the exception of its linguistics department, all other departments begin at master’s level. This institute has many departments of advanced studies and accordingly, it is highly appraised internationally. There are faculties that conduct area studies such as the Faculty of South Asian studies, School of International Studies which focuses on politics, economics, and diplomacy in South Asia, and thus graduate students and researchers engaged in South Asian Studies from the ASAFAS also conduct research in JNU.
  • Indonesia: Universitas Riau
    Universitas Riau is one of the largest universities in Riau Province, Indonesia and conducts high-standard and interdisciplinary research with additional perspectives from art-culture studies.
  • Indonesia: Universitas Tanjungpura
    Universitas Tanjungpura is a state university located in the equatorial capital city of West Kalimantan Province, Pontianak, and contains nine faculties with 17,300 students. This university has an agreement of academic exchange with the RISH and mutually promotes academic research and educational activities.    
  • The U.S.: Washington State University (WSU)
    WSU is ranked as one of the top public research universities in the U.S. and offers over 300 educational fields with over 150 majors for more than 20,000 students. WSU also accepts international students from over 80 countries across the world.
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Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University
46 ShimoAdachi-cho, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, JAPAN
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